
Pont des Arts

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The Pont des Arts is a pedestrian bridge located in Paris, France that spans the Seine river. It is one of the most iconic bridges in Paris, known for its beautiful views and its historic significance. The Pont des Arts was the first bridge to be built entirely out of metal in Paris, and it was also the first bridge in the city to be designed for pedestrians only. In recent years, the Pont des Arts has become famous for the thousands of padlocks that couples attach to its railings as a symbol of their love. The practice, which has become known as "love locking," has sparked controversy, however, as the added weight of the locks has caused structural damage to the bridge.

Interesting things to know about Pont des Arts

  1. The Pont des Arts was originally built in 1804 to connect the Louvre museum with the Institut de France. It was the first bridge in Paris to be made entirely out of metal and was considered a technological marvel at the time.
  2. The Pont des Arts is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike, who come to enjoy the stunning views of the Seine and the city skyline. It is also a popular spot for artists, who often set up easels to paint the views.
  3. The practice of attaching "love locks" to the Pont des Arts began in the 2000s and quickly became a popular tradition. However, in 2015, the city of Paris removed all of the locks due to concerns about the added weight causing structural damage to the bridge. Despite this, some people continue to attach locks to the bridge, leading to ongoing debates about the tradition.

Games with Pont des Arts

During these game you will be able to visit this amazing attraction

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