
Old Harbour (Oude Haven)

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The Old Harbour in Rotterdam, folks, is a hidden gem that encapsulates the city's maritime history and vibrant atmosphere. This historic harbor is a charming waterfront district where you can immerse yourself in the city's rich heritage and enjoy picturesque views. The best time to visit is in the late afternoon or evening when the harbor comes alive with bustling activity and you can witness the beautiful sunset casting its golden glow over the water. Trust me, it's a delightful experience you won't want to miss.

Interesting things to know about Old Harbour

First off, it is the oldest harbor in Rotterdam and served as the city's main port until the 19th century. This maritime heritage is palpable as you walk along the quays and soak in the nautical ambiance. Second, the harbor is dotted with historic buildings and warehouses, some of which have been converted into trendy restaurants, bars, and art galleries. And here's a fun fact for you: The Old Harbour is home to the Witte Huis, or White House, which was once the tallest office building in Europe when it was completed in 1898. It's an architectural marvel that stands as a testament to Rotterdam's resilience and progress. Lastly, a curiosity about the Old Harbour is that it has been revitalized in recent years, transforming into a vibrant cultural hub with regular events, live music performances, and outdoor markets. You never know what delightful surprises await you in this bustling waterfront district.

Games with Old Harbour (Oude Haven)

During these game you will be able to visit this amazing attraction

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