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Gravensteen in Ghent, folks, is a magnificent medieval castle that will transport you back in time. This imposing fortress stands as a testament to the city's rich history and offers a fascinating glimpse into the medieval era. The best time to visit is during the morning or late afternoon when the castle is less crowded, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the ambiance and explore its intriguing nooks and crannies. Trust me, it's a journey you won't want to miss.

Interesting things to know about Gravensteen

First off, it was built in the 12th century by Philip of Alsace, the Count of Flanders, and served as the seat of his power. This castle is a symbol of medieval authority and has witnessed centuries of history. Second, the castle offers stunning panoramic views of the city from its battlements, allowing you to admire the charming rooftops and the scenic skyline of Ghent. And here's a fun fact for you: Gravensteen was once used as a courthouse, and the castle's gruesome history inspired the phrase "living like a dog in a castle" in Dutch. It's a quirky expression, my friends. Lastly, a curiosity about Gravensteen is that it houses a museum that showcases medieval artifacts and offers insights into the castle's history. You can explore the armory, learn about medieval justice, and even try on a suit of armor for a memorable photo opportunity.

Games with Gravensteen

During these game you will be able to visit this amazing attraction

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